Thursday, November 4, 2010

Men who lack conscience will even lie to themselves

Just like a stated in my post "Emotional Trap/Control Game : Operation Broken Ribs"
there were many instances where the Prince would think something was going on... react about it... dwell on it and then believe it so much that he would turn it into his reality.

I never knew what it was about me being in a weakened state that made him become so aggressive to me but it happened all the time.  Almost like he couldn't handle being my support during an emotionally rough patch so he would see me as defective and push me away.

The example about me taking the pain meds is a good example of this behavior.  He was SO convinced that I was being a crazy bitch because I was on pain pills that he yelled at me, called me names, hung up on me and shut me out for almost a day.  What actually happened was The second I told him what the doctor said about the x-rays he became emotionally aggressive to me and made up this story and used it against me pushing me away and shutting me out.  I was NOT on my pain meds.   I was not going to take my pain meds that night because I had a couple glasses of wine and the pills have acetominophen in them.  I will NOT drink on acetominophen.    But it didn't matter what the truth was.  Once he decided that I was on pain meds it was over.  GAME OVER!  In his reality I was fucked up on drugs and being a bitch and there was NOTHING I could do to make him see the reality. 

This happened often.

Our First Break-up
The first time we broke up he blames it on ... again.... me being on a pill and acting crazy.  This is not what happened at all.  We were already having problems that stemmed from his dating website accounts and compulsive lying.  We had only been dating three months and It was already getting ugly.  I have written that he is a "show me" guy and an expert at emotionally manipulating me off the subject at hand and railroading any discussions to turn it back onto me and defocus the "issue".  This type of treatment can become very confusing to the person it is directed towards.  I was confused.  I started writing a diary much like this blog to try to figure it all out.  I had notes about times and dates he would log into dating websites that I knew about and other information that would help me see what was really going on.  I am a data taker.  I studied science for 15 years.

We got into an arguement that night and he attempted to railroad me so I pulled out the book and showed it to him to SHOW HIM that what he was saying was incorrect.  He was busted.  He packed up his bags, walked out of my house with no discussion and didn't talk to me for over 5 months.  He had made up his mind that I was psychotic when in reality I showed him proof that what he was thinking was not reality.    He still believes this story he made up about me being crazy on pills.

The Monster:
I ended a 20 year long best friendship with someone who I will call "The Monster".  We starting butting heads and she has a habit of slandering people close to her.  She has burned bridges with every close old friend she has ever had and I was the last to go.  That's all.  It was time to let that unhealthy relationship go.

The Prince came after me one night stating that the reason why me and the Monster are no longer friends is because I caught her cheating on her boyfriend with another woman, took pictures of it and tried to sabotoge and blackmail her with them.  WHU?!  Never happened.

I don't even know how he came up with this one! He doesn't even know this person!

But you can see how creative he is!!

Hotel room:
 He started a fight because I wanted to go back to the hotel room where he eventually locked me out because he THOUGHT I was upset at him looking at a girl.  Never happened.  I was tired and wanted to go rest.

For the detailed story.... Please refer to I Deserved This.

"He knows me":

I heard this from him ALL THE TIME... ,"I know you and......"  fill in the blank with an insane story that seriously came out of left field.. some of these "I know you" stories were so strange it was actually scary!  Accusing me of things that not only never happened but he was not even around or knowing of any part of the situation!

Example:  One of the last ones he said was "I know you and you broke up with lots of boyfriends like this like George and Greg"

WOAH!!!!!  George and I had a decent break up with a pretty calm decision to not date anymore and we even hung out for the month following completing plans that we had made before the break up... and Greg?!  He begged me to come to Indiana with him so we could marry !!  It was a very difficult time between us while I made the decision to give up our love to keep my son in this area!!  WHU?!  He is comparing what to what?!  It's insane.

He used to tell me stories about myself that um.... NEVER HAPPENED!  But that doesn't matter.. As soon as he gets it in his head that something happened a particular way he 100% believes it.  Sometimes if he just says it enough he will 100% believe it.  Take the example of when he accused me of stealing his phone and texting Tiff and Brit!?  NEVER HAPPENED!!  He had just told enough people that that's how it went down that he 100% believed it!  Enough to tell ME about it!  It's CRAZY!!!

For the detailed story.... Please refer to ....and the crazy gets even crazier!!!!

He truly lives in his own delusional world.

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