Sunday, August 8, 2010

Did I make it through the weekend?

So I'm back and although I did make it through the weekend of my events, Prince Charming and I DID NOT make it through the weekend.  We broke up.

We have broken up many times before (it's one of his fav threats!) but this time it is for real.  I had some information about his behaviour that I knew would be the end all if he knew I knew... ..  Well.. I couldn't keep it in anymore and now he knows I know and we are done.  No turning back.

This weekend was a whirlwind of every problem we have ever had packed into 5 days of sucking it up to get through my events.  Well.. t-minus 1 minute post the last event I blew a gasket.  I divulged some peices of this information that I knew and it was over.  It was hard to keep it all in so that my work environment would run smoothly..   It felt like when a women is in labor and the baby's coming and there's not turning back.  It was time.

Prince has a habit of secretly texting and hiding things on his computer.  If I need to use his computer he'll either put me on a "spaces" page that he never uses or clears his private data and history before he hands the computer over.   He has an addiction to dating websites that we had tried to get a handle on.... he just got smarter about which ones he chose to sign up with and deleted all the accounts I knew about.  I knew it was still going on but I keep chanting that ignorance is bliss as long as he's not communicating with anyone.  But honestly.. how would I know.

So we went to dinner one night and we had a heart to heart where I explained to him how hurt I was when he logged onto one of these sites in his living room while I was sleeping in his bed, another time in my kitchen when I was taking a shower at MY house, the times he would log on 20 mins after dropping me off at the airport and most importantly when we were fighting about my age and having children he signed up for a new website seeking women between the ages of 22-28.  It wasn't confrontational.. just polite chit chat about our past as he was telling me how much he loves me and how he doesn't feel like he has to sacrifice himself for me and how far we've come.

So I just threw it out there  "Well I would hope that we are past the dating website stuff".. ..... ...... um yeah.... he started laughing and nuzzling me saying "oh yeah... yeah of course.. haha"

Obviously we are not past the dating website stuff.

So the next day his text message alerts are going off all day.  He won't check his phone in front of me but rather waits for me to be in a different aisle at the grocery store or on the other side of the car or and then quickly looks and responds.  I'm really annoyed by this.  I don't like secrets.  He knows it looks suspicious when he does this.  This is something that we have talked and talked and talked about.

So then later in the evening his phone rings and he refuses to answer it in front of me.   A short time after that he goes to the laundry to put the clothes in the dryer and sneakily swipes his phone to take downstairs with him (It was not in an obvious place for him to grab it)  So I tell him immediately that it is OK to take his phones calls in front of me and that it's WEIRD when he hides shit like that from me!  We get into an argument about me being nosy and that I "better have solid proof that he is doing something bad before I accuse him of it!"

He's a big "show me" guy.  If you can't SHOW HIM then it does not exist or never happened.  Since I always have to PROVE what I am talking about or shut the fuck up,  I had taken it upon myself to start documenting things just in case I am cornered into "SHOWING HIM".

So I take everything I said back and agree with him putting on my smile and apologizing for the billionth time for something that I really shouldn't have.

What he does not realize is I do have proof.. the bit of information that I'd been holding onto for over a week.  But I'm not ready to share.  I still have an event the next day to get through and I know this information will end our relationship.

Back to my mantra... Just make it through the weekend... Just make it through the weekend.....

So what is this information I have?  Well, I'm not exactly proud of how I got it but an exercise is being snoopy when doubts are flying is sometimes key in protecting ones stability.  I snooped.  That's right.  I did it.  My first time snooping into his phone and all I wanted was to be proven wrong.  When he was at my house and sleeping I looked through his texts messages and I found some stuff that was rather upsetting so I took pictures of it. 

The texts are from last week to and from a close female friend goes as follows......

(the first one is cut off but says something to effect of "what are you doing tonight") 7:22pm

Nada lot. You?  7:38pm

Hopefully You  7:40pm

I got no response :(   8:03pm

Ok well let me know if you are home and down  8:21pm

Where did you go   10:09pm

On my way   1:15am

So where are you   1:20am

On my way  1:28am

I'm not at home  1:38am

So how does 4:30 sound to you?  1:19pm the next day

(2 days later)

Hey cutie what are you up to tonight?  6:37pm

in san fran   6:39pm  (at my house btw)

Well poo on you  6:41pm

I am having surgery tomorrow just wanted a friend to hangout with  6:43pm

I don't really know what all these texts mean but I do know they are from the same exact female friend that he refused to answer in front of me.  Someone he claims to have not seen in over a year... ugh (changing his answer)..  ugh he didn't really know but a long long time.  Suspicious?  Umm YEAH and not only that these texts are totally inappropriate being in a committed relationship!  But I bite my tongue knowing I have a long day the next day and really don't need any drama.

Well after my event I was a little tipsy and we got into again.  He said I needed to prove it to him so I did.  I pulled out my camera and started reading the texts off.  He instantly said that I had crossed a line and we were over.  To pack up my stuff in the morning and leave.  When I woke up he gave me until 11am to vacate his apartment or  he would call the police.

So we are done.  Over over over.

So I did make it through the weekend... our relationship or what was at least left of it did not.

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